Stafsjö close to attaining its 100 % on-time delivery vision

During 2019, Stafsjö focused on improving its delivery performance, 98 % of all orders received have been delivered on the confirmed delivery date. Stafsjö have set a new delivery standard.

The response from our customers has been fantastic. Stafsjö have a strong brand and recognized products, which are associated with high quality. In order to grow the brand it was necessary to improve our delivery performance. By doing this Stafsjö planned on retaining our existing customers and winning new ones. Stafsjö are focusing on delivering every order on time.

The company experienced strong growth during 2018 mainly due to large projects at the end of the year. In 2019, Stafsjö have had more versatile sales and it has been more evenly distributed over the year. During 2019 Stafsjö have focused on improving and securing the delivery precision. The manufacturing process plans are measured, not only at the end, but at every step from placing purchasing orders for material, through on-time delivery of incoming material, machining, assembly and delivery to customer.

When one job commences on time, other consecutive jobs in the process are able to do the same. If we lose time in an early stage we have to take measures to re-capture this lost time in the later stages. Stafsjö has daily meetings with all functional managers and planners where the status for all work orders of previous day is reported as well as reasons for late orders along with suggested actions to recapture. By having all managers’ present fast decisions can be taken when the information is shared. Deviations to processes or material failures are also reported for short and long term corrective actions to continuously improve the operations and products. During the next year reliability in delivery will become sustainable in the long run to ensure further growth and trust among the customers worldwide. To learn more about the range of products go to

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